The University of Chicago Crime Lab assisted its non-profit partners to expand programming that reduces youth violence and improves student performance across the city and country with the help of …
Patients who receive care at community health centers often have limited access to subspecialists, research shows, and an ITM-supported organization has secured more than $9 million in additional funding …
Between 14 and 22 million people in the United States suffer from autoimmune diseases, such as type 1 diabetes, multiple sclerosis, and rheumatoid arthritis, according to the National Institutes of …
About 130 attendees fill the Gary Comer Youth Center on May 13 for the University of Chicago Community Grand Rounds. Photo by the ITM. The University of Chicago’s …
While budget cuts have caused the National Institutes of Health (NIH) to reject half of the worthwhile research proposals it receives, UChicago’s Eun Ji Chung said she still had high hopes …
The Human Imaging Research Office (HIRO) is streamlining medical imaging for researchers at the University of Chicago one scan at a time, saving them hundreds of hours and thousands of …