No need to spend hundreds of thousands of dollars you don’t have on equipment, infrastructure, and manpower. The University of Chicago Core Facilities offer you a centralized location for specialized equipment – plus the experienced staff to make the magic happen at a fraction of the cost of doing it yourself.
And the ITM wants to help you take advantage of their resources, awarding up to $5,000 to offset any costs associated with using one of UChicago’s Core Facilities. Applicants are eligible for one award per year.
Scroll through the facilities below the testimonials to see which can best help you with your research, then click the button to apply for ITM funding.
Core subsidy applications are now open.
Click Here to Apply
Reviewers: View Applications
Dollars the ITM Has Given Investigators to Use Core Facilities
Investigators the ITM has Funded for Core Subsidies
Maximum Amount Given to Each Investigator Per Project