ITM Pilot Awards

The ITM launched a new Pilot Award program in 2017 that offers researchers more money, new resources, and collaboration opportunities with stakeholders ranging from industry to community members.
Since 2007, the ITM has awarded more than $8.5 million in its Pilot Awards to help accelerate innovative research. And the impacts have been huge. Researchers have explored creative projects, used their data to secure millions of dollars in federal funding, launched companies, and more.
The ITM is now thrilled to build on that success with a NEW Pilot Award program that offers:


Funding Rounds Each Year


Maximum Funding $ Per Award


Pilot Projects Funded Since 2017


$ in Pilot Awards Given to Investigators Since 2007

The ITM is accepting letters of intent until September 22, 2024. To stay up to date on this and future award cycles, sign up for the ITM newsletter here.

Who’s Eligible?

Individuals from any ITM institution, which include the University of Chicago, Rush, Loyola University Chicago, NorthShore University HealthSystem, the Illinois Institute of Technology, and Advocate Aurora Health. All applicants must be eligible to be a principal investigator on a study with their local IRB or collaborate with one as part of a study team.

What is the Application Timeline?

The application timeline is outlined below, with the start date for these one-year awards slated for January 1, 2026. 

Finalists applying for the July 1, 2025 award due on March 23, 2025 can access the application instructions here.

Check Out ITM Pilot Award Program Researchers in Action

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