Pathobiology of Disease Seminars bring renowned experts on a variety of topics from the University of Chicago and around the world to share their findings and discuss translational research over lunch.
[ai1ec tag_name=”Pathobiology of Disease Seminar” ai1ec view=”posterboard”]These educational sessions are open to everyone and take place every Thursday afternoon at 12 p.m. in room P-315. Lunch is provided, so come with a curious mind and an empty stomach!
The series is supported by the ITM and the University of Chicago Department of Pathology.
Want to see what a Pathobiology of Disease Seminar is like? Read our story about a recent session, where Andres Roma discussed a new way of staging cervical cancer.
Save future events to your calendar below.
Know someone who should present? Contact Julian Solway, Co-Director of the ITM, at jsolway*