A CNN article featured new findings from an ITM-supported RUSH University study that showed the brain health benefits from following the Mediterranean-Dash Diet Intervention for Neurodegenerative Delay, or the MIND diet.
The study examined the brains of 581 people, who donated their body to the Memory and Aging Project at RUSH. The findings reveal that those who followed the MIND diet, or a similar Mediterranean diet, had healthier brains with few signs of Alzheimer’s disease.
The MIND diet includes foods like fish, poultry, olive oil, nuts, berries, and more.
The MIND diet work at RUSH was spearheaded by Martha Clare Morris, ScD, who was the Community and Collaboration Cluster leader for ITM-RUSH until she passed away in 2020. She leveraged the ITM TRIO Studio to help enrollment in her research on healthy aging.