Savvy Science Communication Seminar

You’ll be interviewing for dream professional opportunities, connecting with patients, talking with the media, and working to build trusted partnerships during your career. Explore the behavioral science behind trust and human connection from a private detective, award-winning journalist, and national science communication expert in this interactive session where you’ll have the chance to role-play a variety of real-world scenarios. Discover techniques to stay confident under pressure and connect with others authentically while showcasing your expertise. You’ll leave with skills you can use the same day to accelerate your career in science, medicine, and beyond.
You’ll receive an email with the on-campus room location when registering.
About Savvy Sci Comm Seminars
Get the most impact out of your academic investment by learning the science and art of communicating your complex ideas with clarity, confidence, and purpose. Whether you’re pitching your research, building trust with the public and patients, or achieving your career dreams, gain the superpower of how to connect with any audience and spark people to take action through this seminar series. It’s open to faculty and graduate students in MD, PhD, and master’s degree programs and brought to you by the Master’s in Biomedical Sciences and the Institute for Translational Medicine.